

A social media platform designed for foodies to network and share their tips for the ultimate dining experience. Users can upload photos of their modified meals or secret menu items. Youtensil reviews are saved in albums so other users can follow, like, and add feedback to “foodie tips”.

A collaborative project designed and developed with LEARN Academy students.

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Logo evolution

We agreed on the fourth thumbnail logo but changed color to white with the text moved to the left of icon.

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Landing page

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Register page

First step for new users to create an account. This page set the layout for others, applying the photo to the right while taking up 1/3 of the page.

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add tip page

After account has been created, new registered users can begin logging their “foodie tips” for other existing users to review.

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Mytensil is the user’s account page which allows them to add new recommendations and edit existing ones.

FireShot Capture 2 - Youtensil - http___youtensil.herokuapp.com_team.png

Team of developers who contributed to Youtensil. Visit to check out our collaboration!